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Finland Oskari Vihervaara's blog« See all Obama's blogs

My minigolf philosophy
07 Dec 2010 at 22:01 | Posted in: General | Views: 8134 | Comments: 13
Hello it's Oskari "a great guy if brains, personality and looks don't count" Vihervaara. An 18 year old kid from Tampere, Finland, sharing some thoughts. I have been playing minigolf for the past 6 years now or something like that (a period of time anyway) and some of you might even know me. This morning I started writing some of my thoughts about minigolf. Since the blogposts are a bit too conservative to my liking, I thought I could post my writings since they are a bit different. But now that I have my own blog here I might as well blend in in the future and start writing some boring stuff about my warming socks or something... I will share some of my thoughts about minigolf and maybe even discuss about different kinds of minigolf philosophys if one has one and is willing to share that! Since I love this sport very much I wan't to go a little deeper. I'm not going to bore you with what kind of underwear am I wearing when playing or how I choose and what kind of balls do I prefer to play or something lame like that... I'll try to dig in on why it actually is so fascinating to me? Meaning of culture and religion on minigolf, why and how do I enjoy training, what have learned and realized to make me a better player and things like that! Generally stuff that definately don't have any value on a newssite but still play in a crucial role. It's only minigolf but then again... it's minigolf! Why should we see only a tiny bit of it's beauty when we can expand like the vast ocean! Is there any limits in its greatness? I think this is for the hardcore minigolfers who like to think outside the box so I predict very few if anyone will find this post interesting.

I have moved on to a much more spiritual style of playing the game and trying to build my concentration to perfection. Minigolf is a sport surely but to me it has a bigger meaning. It's like meditation, yoga or like a martial art in a nutshell! A chinese kung fu legend who's name I don't remember said that kung fu to him is not only about winning fights or breaking tiles as much as possible because that only tells about your good technique. Kung fu itself as a definition is something that needs hard work, time, devoting and right strategies. I can't think of any other sports where knowledge, concentration and nerve control are used in a greater individualistic way than in minigolf and I have enormous respect to the best of this sport because to me they are the Zen Masters of all Europe! :)

I remember reading that Tiger Woods' father was banging kettles and stuff when he was training to minimise the distraction around to build up his superb concentration. I have not done this but I have learned more and more to not pay attention to unessential things. In the past I have had thoughts like "those guys probably recognize me" and "do I look cool right now?" or something like that. It's bad and messes your concentration and there is only one cure to that and i'll say it in Laotse's wise words: "a great power is not a great power if it knowledges that it is a great power."

What I love in this sports is the fact that mostly it's free of responsibilitys. Setting too big goals is a perfect example of ruining things for me. When Forrest Gump is running across the country in the movie Forrest Gump he's not thinking that he's gonna run across the country. He just runs and that's the whole point and the reason why he's able to do that. If you set too high goals you can't concentrate fully on the doing itself. In minigolf I tend to think that everytime I practice it's special and unique. On every round, on every lane it's special and unique and not thinking the game or the round as a wholeness. This is a zen way of thinking, kind of a live in the moment type of thing. This type of thinking helps in many stuff overall in life not just in minigolf I think... Atleast it makes it more intresting I would say haha!

Now since I have thought minigolf in many ways I wan't to bring some cultural thinking too! In western countrys and in christianity we have build up our minds in certain way and that's one thing i'm trying to do different. For EXAMPLE christians believe and think that "god created" and we can rule the planet and nature etc. In the east it's a thing of everything being in balance. There the god has created in a way of "NOT CREATING". The hindu's believe that there is always an opposite power. There is no day without the night, there is no good without the evil and so on. Everything is how it is and it's no use to use your energy to figure out something that you will never understand anyway. Now we westerns have taught the market economy to the easterns and look what is happening. The apprentist is becoming the master! Anyway... I have adapted this eastern way of thinking quite well and it is working well in minigolf. There is a story of a myriapoda (the little maggots with huge amount of legs) that is running happily and meets a big mouthed frog who asks "how do you keep on count and rhythm of all your legs when your running?" and the myriapoda sat down to think and could never run again. Point is that it happens itself and there is no need to think it. This is what I'm trying to do in minigolf too. After all minigolf is very much a zen type of thing in all its simplicity. For example a zen craftman draws a better circle with his hand than with a compass. In minigolf it's just a matter of hitting the ball straight and hard after all. Kung Fu! If minigolf will become a big thing in Asia I am 100% sure that the Asians are gonna be better then the Europeans because of this and the way they see and think! It suits the sports better than our western thinking.

One more thing... There's the ones that copy and there's the ones that are creative. So I've tried to avoid being a copycat because when you copy you can only be as good as the one you copy. I'm not talking only about playing style or something. I'm talking about not doing things like everyone else if I don't feel like doing it that way for example, let's say playing with the same ball as everyone just because of the fact that everyone is playing with that same ball. Allthough I would not mind being on the same level as CJ-Ryner, A. Olsson or the Erlbruch brothers but still. They don't copy anyone because they are too good for that and it's the same other way around. Being yourself comes to you in minigolf too!!

Now you might wonder who am I to talk about my philosophys and thoughts and my answer to that is nobody. Although in the end I have very mild interests in what you think of my opinions or skills in any form or matter of subject. This morning I just felt like writing about my thoughts on to some beautiful music and sharing them with you! If I feel like doing something I will do it. If you don't like it you don't. If you laugh at it I'm glad to make you laugh. If you think I'm crazy well that's not news!! After all in Kurosawa's words: "in a mad world only the mad are sane." After all as an old zen phrase (Kōan) puts it: "An insane man floats like dry leaves in the wind. A wise man floats like dry leaves in the wind. What's the difference?". After all; what we sometimes forget... IT'S JUST MINIGOLF!!!

Then again can minigolf be just minigolf for us minigolfers? I will probably never be a zen master of Europe since minigolf is only a part of my life. Not my life.

Big love and cheers, maybe I will blog more stuff some day now that I'm allowed to do that haha! - Oskari

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Comments (13)

Finland Obama (Oskari Vihervaara) | Delete

19 Dec 2010 at 12:46
@Günter I think I know what you mean. I personally think minigolf is mostly mental. There is something that I call "brainfarts" hah, which I had alot before I knowledged the problem and started working on it (I still do have these sometimes). Something like when one is concentrating, one thinks just really unessential stuff and despite that, one hits the ball. Then you definately can't FEEL any of the playing and can't be satisfied eventhough it might go in the hole because one didn't feel it. It's like music I guess, you just have to feel the rhythm. You can't just dance like a maniac without feeling the rhythm eh?
@Kurt: Exactly. One has to play for himself, not for others.
PS. I played a competition on saturday and yet again it was hard. I was trying too hard after I played really good in practice on friday and won a "little competion" with really good score. But the thing is I had goals eventhough I thought about not having them and therefor couldn't play naturally. I concentrated too much on the fact that I was concentrating if you know what I mean... Maybe I should quit training completely or play 7 hours a day to get the natural feeling. I think I have to lay down the thinking for a while before I lose the tiny last bit of my sanity.
Cheers and merry christmas and happy new year for all!!!

Italy kurt (Kurt Unterhauser) | Delete

18 Dec 2010 at 19:58
Hi Oskari
I was very fascinated by your thoughts about Minigolf and its connections with the eastern culture. There are a lot of things I have to agree with you: anyone is unique and anyone has to find his own way doing this sport, this is the only possibility to get as goog as possible and not just as good as the one you copy. After me Minigolf isn´t just about heating up or cooling down balls or all the other technical stuff, its mostly about the way you are thinking. The best equipment is useless if you let you disturb by the things that happened before, that may happen after or that are happening while you are playing, so just play and enjoy the game!!!

Finland Miko (Miko Tuominen) | Delete

18 Dec 2010 at 12:40
äiä teeseilee.

Austria Wolf (Mathias Jagschitz) | Delete

17 Dec 2010 at 20:26
Hey Oskari ;) .. I enjoyed reading your post.. nice way of thinking .. Oskari, you are your own individum , well it was nice to play with you in the KO's in Sochi .. there i saw your kind of concentration and the rest of your playing.. keep it up Oskari .. *thumbs up*

Austria bfree4life (Günter Inmann) | Delete

17 Dec 2010 at 12:06
Hey Oskari
I saw your blog just right now, cause i am not on this page every day. And i agree with freddy about not reading such long posts. But i was fascinated by your way of thinking. And btw oskari, maybe you are crazy, maybe you are special, maybe you are little bit bizarre, but... THAT is the thing who makes good players. In my opinion, EVERY player ( m or f! ) which had won any title, which had won any medal or big victory, is special and also an individualist! To be crazy is not negative. To be crazy will help you to find your own way for minigolf, your own way for concentration, your own way for lanes, balls or leaves! And i also found my own way for concentration, for practicing, for mental things. And my preparation for the EC or WC is always a way to find my stroke. And in july or august, when the great competition will be played, i was successfull with my preparation when i can FEEL my strokes! I wasnt successfull all these years ago. But it´s a great feeling for me, when i really can FEEL my strokes, fell any little mistake, not just when the ball missed the hole. When i can feel any little deviation, and also when i know what to do against. And then it was a successfull competition. For example in Predazzo my best strokes came on final teamday, and on final single day. And i was kicked out 4:5 against Noack Marcel, but in my mind i made the best and i played well and i was satisfied with my preparation and my final work at the last 2 days. That Marcel was better than me... so what... as you said, it´s JUST MINIGOLF!
So keep on going with such blogs!
Greetz from austria!

Finland Obama (Oskari Vihervaara) | Delete

11 Dec 2010 at 16:20
I accidentally deleted my comment. I came home really drunk and tried to edit the comment. HAHA it happens.......

Since it's not possible to retrieve it I'll write again... @Freddy: I know the text is alot of the stroke by stroke and live in the moment saga BUT I'll refer to the kōan. What separates the wise man is the fact that unlike the insane man, the wise man knows and knowledges that he is actually floating like dry leaves in the wind and there is a really big difference. So instead of the stroke by stroke thought being just as a thought in the back of your head, it can be made as the whole philosophy and the meaning of the whole game! But I think this is very empiristic and if one is interested I recommend to read Alan W. Watts' book "Zen". I think there is alot of things and thoughts that can be found useful in minigolf. Atleast it has made me think minigolf in many new aspects. And life too hah!
@Tiek: As you said, there is more than concentration in minigolf and I agree. I just wanted to write these thoughts since I know many players haven't thought about the game in this way. There is no right or wrong thinking and everyone thinks how they feel is the best way. I generally think everything can be either very simple or very complicated it's just a matter of how one thinks. +Of course there's ways to expand and one can combine many ways of thinking and strategies to make own philosophy of the game.
If someone finds something useful from the text it's great! Anyway, it's nice to see positive feedback! :)

Finland Minde (Minna Sola) | Delete

10 Dec 2010 at 18:50
Go Oskari go ! I will copy you ! "Meaning of minigolf "

Sweden Nimalu (Martin Lundell) | Delete

08 Dec 2010 at 20:23
Nice reading. Keep it up Oskari !!!

Finland JJM (John Mittler) | Delete

08 Dec 2010 at 20:19
It is important to find some other reason for playing minigolf than winning. Because winning happens to be impossible for 99% of the participants of each competition. I guess that is why my beginner's guide book from 1992 is called Win Yourself at Minigolf... just win yourself.

  ( ) | Delete

08 Dec 2010 at 18:40
Hey Oskari :)

Really nice post...
It gives all minigolf players many ideas about minigolf aspects that they probably don't care that much.
I think, I will translate this in my language because it could be very useful for many of our players.
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