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Austria Markus Berger's blog« See all bub74's blogs

09 Oct 2013 at 17:34 | Posted in: Competition | Views: 10961 | Comments: 10
Statistics from BA in Holeshov reveals the key to the Uppsala win

My first Blog – maybe also my last – will be about lane statistics! I do this, because I love lane statistics. They are often useful and sometimes underestimated in perspective of giving a very good insight to a competition. From time to time you find surprises, like the team statistics for EC2013 men´s teams:

We all know the results with another impressing win of Uppsala. Hardenberg end up 2nd with the same margin to Uppsala than to the 3rd place team of Tempo Praha (13 shots). Another 22 shots back MC Olten and followed by Tantogarden with 2 more and Vergiate with 14 more. First impression is a not very exciting tournament and beside the bad starting rounds of Vergiate and Tanto and a devasting (looks like tournament losing round of Hardenberg in Round 4) everything followed the a big picture with the well known ending.

But was the Round 4 really the key for Hardenberg to lose against Uppsalla? Yeah, they lost 16 shots and have been 13 behind in the end. But if we look at the team statistics you´ll find something amazing:

The difference is per round and player only 0,23 strokes. And if we have a look at http://vysledky.minigolfnews.cz/ec2013/teamstat.htm (thanks to Bangolf Arena an easy opp. to do this – still more and better stats are wishable ;-) )

We can see that more or less 15 lanes are quite similar.

But No.10-Net and No.14-Sloped lane with hole Uppsala did win 0,35 average to Hardenberg. So actually more than they are ahead. While 14 is something that I would say: Could happen due to the difficult level and only both Swedish teams were really better there, I would not give too much on that. But losing 0,21 on Net is for Hardenberg also maybe losing the complete EC there. Actually it was not only the poor play of the Germans, because also the 3rd best team there just managed 1,17 on the Net. But Uppsala made something special there to be the best team with 1,05. Due to the fact that it was a net to play with a jump, but the tee area did not offer any possibility to let the ball jump, Uppsala made something special. The right handed players of Uppsala took the left handed coaches putter and played with the more lofted non-rubber side of this club to enforce a jump.

Just WOW. Cool stuff. I have seen a lot of stuff during past years, and this belongs to the Top10 efforts I have ever seen.

But if you think now that Uppsala is just the better team when it comes to those kind of things, I have to say no:

Look at Lane 7 Passage. If they would have lost Gold, the reason would have been this lane: Losing incredible 0,33 to Hardenberg there. Also to other 8 teams they lost there, simple due to the fact they did not use the wall shot option there. A big mistake with no further consequences.

So the match between those teams was mostly on 3 out of 18 lanes. If you compare it to the high level of professionalism of these competitors this is quite amazing, and shows the importance of choosing balls and playing options. And therefore also the importance of statistics….. J

Other notable stuff of the competition:

· Tempo Praha was incredible good on No. 2-Salto with -0,2 to the second best team!
· MGC Oirschot showed that coaches lanes are not only something for usually best teams. They were the best team with 1,1 on No.4-Truncated Cones. Congrats!
· Olten with an incredible good score of 1,1 on No.8-Kidney beat the hell out of their direct opponents for place 4 (Tantogarden 1,37).
· Tempo Praha again but now on the lower side with 1,29 on No.9-Angle. Again Olten there the best with 1,02!!!
· Vergiate would wish to get a second chance on No.11-Bridge with being the worst team with 1,62

Did you like my little findings? If you want to have more please react on that Blog. Otherwise I keep my little “public” secrets …
Who will be first in finding something to my inaccurate blog? (There is in minimum one ….)

Comments (10)

Austria bub74 (Markus Berger) | Delete

09 Oct 2013 at 21:39
Didnot took too much time that it was found ...
Total accurate numbers are preferable, but in that case it did not change the evidence. So perfection is not always needed to get an idea ...

Finland JJM (John Mittler) | Delete

09 Oct 2013 at 21:08
The Net used to give a poor bounce also in Vaasa, Finland, back in the 1990's. Many players placed the ball at the start of lane -- into the crease between the eternite plate and the metal frame (which is level with the eternite plate), 40 cm behind the start line. From there the ball bounced nicely, and gave an easy hole-in-one -- if you had the courage to play the ball from there. Hitting too low meant hitting the start of lane, and the whole shot would become a disaster. I played from this place, and many other Finnish top players did the same.

Austria bfree4life (Günter Inmann) | Delete

09 Oct 2013 at 20:09
Its interesting blog and there are EVERYtime some curious lane stats in every competition. i also like to analyse after comps.
btw, C-J, i have to say, that to play passage straight was not bad decision. we played both in our team. and we had more mistakes in playing bend than straight!
and on net i think that it was a combination of god straight shot, also ball and psychologic. btw, you found the easiest way to play. but i think also that some player made this lane more difficult than it was for sure.
interesting fact is also that we (MC Olten) lost almost all to the other topteams just on 4 lanes 10,14,15,16! its 0,84 strokes per round per player to Uppsala! That was really too much for us

Portugal AS (André Silva) | Delete

09 Oct 2013 at 20:00
Correction, not Middle Hill, Labyrinth.

Portugal AS (André Silva) | Delete

09 Oct 2013 at 19:36
Like I said, there's always a new way to look at things. Here goes another, Hardenberg lost 14 shots on 3 "easy" lanes: Cones, Middle Hill and Volcano.

Sweden C-J (Carl-Johan Ryner) | Delete

09 Oct 2013 at 19:10
Actually we were "only" 0,24 (equals 13 shots) behind on the passage, which is still a huge amount. Bangolf Arena includes the substitute's score in the team statistics, not the correct way to do it.
Still a big error in the playing line for us, but if we hade made the right choiche the competition would've been over sooner. :)
On lane 14 the difference (8 shots) is in large to the fact the Harald had 19 shots there (one 4 and one 6), but of course he is a part of the team.

So will now our idea of using a lofted club on the net produce a entire new way of playing the lane? Using a separate club like on lane 7 on concrete? :)

Portugal AS (André Silva) | Delete

09 Oct 2013 at 19:06
Thank you Markus for your blog. Bangolf Arena is a good tool but there are some tricks it can easily play on you. BA adds up the substitute's strokes to the stats even if his score doesn't count for the team total.
The lane 7 stats from Uppsala are greatly inflated by the substitute's performance on that particular lane (1,89 average). So Uppsala only lost 0,24 to Hardenberg on that lane. On the other side the Uppsala's substitute played a perfect 9 aces on 9 rounds at the Net, making the Uppsala's stats look better than they really were. That's the funny thing about statistics, you can always have a new look at it...

Italy paoloITA (Paolo Porta) | Delete

09 Oct 2013 at 18:36
very interesting and complete analysis Markus! I love this kind of stuff :D

Germany Mittel (Stefan Mittel) | Delete

09 Oct 2013 at 18:31
Difference on No. 2-Salto was just 0.18 ;-)

Dont let it be your last blog!

Finland HansIII (Pasi Aho) | Delete

09 Oct 2013 at 17:55
I have in my mind that when we were reading the stats after day 1 (ca. 2,5 rounds for men) Olten men's team had 1,00 on lanes 5, 7, 8 and 9 and just one miss on lane 6! Not bad in that shady corner where the sun was hardly shining (to the others)! :-)
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