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Argentina  INESfun

22 Feb 2020 at 13:37

There are about 300 recesses on one golf ball, and thanks to them, the ball flies three times farther than a smooth one. ... Balls of the same size...

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United States of America  Smitty

07 Jun 2023 at 04:45

Jason and team make this place beautiful and the tournament is fun and well run.

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Hungary  Magician | 17166 views | 0 comments

31 Dec 2023 at 17:32

End of 2023

United States of America  PatPenguin | 21708 views | 0 comments

17 Nov 2023 at 13:07

A 2023 Masterful Experience

United States of America  PatPenguin | 20468 views | 0 comments

22 May 2023 at 13:19

We’re All Loony Here....

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From which country will the World Adventure Golf Tour Final (April 27-28, 2024) come from?

- Czech Republic

- Sweden

- Germany

- United States

- New Zealand

- Austria

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Total 1 votes, since 27 Mar 2024.

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Sweden Hans Olofsson's blog« See all blogs

the end...
19 Sep 2009 at 17:22 | Posted in: General | Views: 2607 | Comments: 1
the end...
of my (real) minigolf career appeared in July at the last Elitserie of 2009. Today I played the MOS-finals in Slottskogen, I will probably play some more of those in the future, but still just a few. But, when there are over 100.000 SEK at stake in minigolf tourneys, I will be there.

I am by the way pretty content with my tourney today, I played better and better, won 2 games after decent play. But I lost in the quarter finals against the World’s nr 1 Olsson after a few rather weak mistakes. Disappointed? of course, bitter and angry? not the least bit, merely the opposite. I think we had a great tourney with some big surprises as well as more obvious outcomes of games. An amateur beat the World Champion Weaver and his play then took him all the way to the semi finals. But we also saw 2 of Sweden’s best and most experienced MOS-players battle it out in the final.

Thus, I have prepared my last minigolf ball as a player. The time has also come for my last....

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about time...
06 Jul 2009 at 18:33 | Posted in: General | Views: 2268 | Comments: 2
about time...
that someone writes in his/her blog on this page....

Sweden is experiencing a so far very varm summer, and as always, we can never get a normal summer. Either we have 15 degrees and rain, or 30 and humid as hell. Today is a little bit better, but still some "tough" weather with too high tempeatures. For us whining Swedes that is....

I played in Jonkoping this weekend, In 3 rounds I made mistakes on 4 different lanes only, played very good on 14 of the holes, too bad all 18 counts and no bonus points for style and finesse...

The countdown for the Swedish Championships has started. I am back in my boys room in my home town preparing for the tourney. Since we are expecting a record of 158 players to the Felt and Eternit courses in Kungalv. (record these days that is, my first Swedish Youth Championships 25 years ago we were almost 200 kids playing....). But like Dylan wrote, The times they are a-changing...

Next week will be....

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in the lions' den...
02 Jun 2009 at 13:28 | Posted in: General | Views: 1805 | Comments: 2
in the lions
...for some practice before the weekend. Too bad three days of crazy nice summer weather has turned into a full day of rain here in Uppsala.

Playing minigolf in rain sucks, even more if it happens to be eternit or concrete. Good move Denmark, this is an indoor sport!

I am sitting in the club house, surrounded by minigolf stars and trophies en masse. The most successful club in Sweden last years sure know how to play and also know how to inspire its members. Being part of a successful team is always a strength, not just when it comes to access to good equipment and knowledge, also the shear fact of confidence is important.

Saturday and Sunday in Uppsala will be the first out of three tourneys that coach Jan Strandberg has chosen to be the most important för making the team to Denmark this year. From what I understand we will even play some KO on Sunday to get some practice on that kind of game as well, good move!

Well, looks....

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MOS(t) entertaining....
25 Apr 2009 at 15:31 | Posted in: General | Views: 1849 | Comments: 4
MOS(t) entertaining....
I must say. I played a round of adventuregolf/MOS today at Slottskogen in Gothenburg today. It was a qualifier for the “win a car tournament”. Cudos for that initiative by the way!! I managed to qualify, even though I took a 6 on one hole. Taking a 6 on adventuregolf usually equals disaster. Fortunately this course allows for mistakes since average rounds are in the low and mid 40’s even for the better players. BUT, to take a 6 after leaving the first shot about 2 feet from the hole was certainly not as entertaining. I kind of felt like Bernhard the Polar Bear (check out You-Tube!!) there for a while. My putt to save me from a 7 was actually something like 4 feet long…
I look forward to the final in September, not just the possibility to win a car, which of course is great. Adventuregolf is relaxing and real fun yet also very frustrating to play. But I like being able to put all worries about the ball and putter aside (same type used for all, straight from clubhouse) and just....

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19 Apr 2009 at 15:12 | Posted in: General | Views: 1642 | Comments: 0
They say real minigolf is played outdoors. I agree, but when it is just above the freezing point I think it is a bit tough. But the season has to start sometime and somewhere....

This year, it was "the Spring Marathon" at Sundbybergs minigolf club where I used to play some years ago. I still take part in their weekly games since the course is in good shape and serves as a perfect training ground. But this time of the year doesn't even allow me to play my Classic 1 on every hole, there is no way to keep it warm enough.

I look forward to Denmark, should I be chosen for the team, where low temperatures shouldn't be a problem. And no rain, and no wind, perfect, love that solution, more indoor tournaments!

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spectator weekend...
07 Apr 2009 at 16:21 | Posted in: General | Views: 1614 | Comments: 0
I did spend the last weekend on a minigolf course, even though I was playing in the tournament I felt like a bystander almost all the time. I played 5 straight rounds of 19, and I lost 2 shots to both teams ahead of us.

Think I played 10 out of my 11 rounds with Carl-Johan Ryner, I won 1 round when I managed to play an 18. I wish I could say that he was lucky to shoot his 19,0 average. Not even close, ha missed 3 or 4 shots from hitting the ball too bad, I almost missed the pipe more times in one round!

And as you already know, he was 3rd overall in the competition...........

I look forward to Odense (if I qualify to play of course) where I believe shooting blue rounds will be very rare on a new and probably much tougher course. That means missing a few shots now and then won't kill you as long as stay on top of your game on most of the lanes.

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reporting live from WMF Media Conference....
28 Mar 2009 at 16:10 | Posted in: General | Views: 3698 | Comments: 13
WMF has gathered representatives from the media committees from Germany, Austria, Denmark, Sweden, Portugal, Italy, Switzerland in Offenbach, Frankfurt.

We are right now in the middle of a workshop where every country presents their work on media and development of the sport in their countries. Right now mr Pirovano tells us more about Italy and their situation.

I will not go into any secret details here, but we are mid-way through the workshop and I must say that I am impressed what has been done last years in the other countries. Especially in Germany and Austria, where major TV coverage and a very amusing film with "the Brothers" have been created to name one example.

Sweden might be the leading country when it comes to the game today (OK, Germany is close...) but when it comes to working with the media and developing the sport we are clearly falling behind.

But, I am very glad I took a 6-am flight this morning to....

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to play, or not to play....
18 Mar 2009 at 23:13 | Posted in: General | Views: 1713 | Comments: 2
to play, or not to play....
that is a classic (Danish) question.

I like the fact that Odense has managed to secure the 2009 WC. The format with lesser practice and playing indoors appeals to me. In fact so much that I intend to get a regame against Harald Erlbruch this year. At the 1991 junior champs in Odense I beat him by something like 17 shots on 6 felt rounds. Too bad we had to play 6 rounds on eternit and I sucked on that course and lost by 20 shots...

Now I am a better player on eternit, but so is Harald on felt. And of course there are many others in contention. My first goal will be to prove that experience counts and qualify for the Swedish team. Tough but definitely a possible task, even for an old player like me. Then the quest for a 3rd WC gold medal can begin. Watch out for those Classic 1's....

See you at lane 1!

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dressed for....
03 Mar 2009 at 14:55 | Posted in: General | Views: 2004 | Comments: 4
...minigolf is not always easy. I was almost not allowed to play this weekend
since my t-shirt was the old edition from my club, I had no clue it made a
difference as long it was the official t-shirt, but it did. Then I also
practiced for a while without any club dress, bad bad boy!

When I played the PPA Nationals in 2004 I had to buy official PPA t-shirts
to be allowed to practice and participate in the tourney. There was also a
discussion around my shoes, they were allowed in the end after some
argumentation with the tourney officials.

For the US Masters I have seen (and worn a few of'em...) swimming googles,
swimming trunks, bare foot, bare chest, crocs etc.

anyway, In my opinion you can and should enforce what clothes and shoes we
wear while playing competitive minigolf, if we want to be looked upon as a
professional sport.

The problem is that personal taste....

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swing it!
21 Feb 2009 at 12:53 | Posted in: General | Views: 1835 | Comments: 4
swing it!
I have spent the last 5 years as an occasional coach and instructor for golfers (amateurs through professionals) in the noble art of putting. The most important part of the golf game, where we minigolfers of course have an edge from our knowledge and experiences.

I have come across many interesting "truths" within the golf community about putting, some correct, but some way out of line in my opinion. Since minigolf tends to be more pragmatical (English word?), where focus is put on practice, not theories, very interesting discussions arise sometimes. I believe we don't analyze enough of the game theoretically (some do, but most don't). On the other hand golfers tend to over theorize putting. After all, most is in the head, and good basics combined with a sound gameplan, set-up procedure and playing strategy is most important.

technique then....
Straight back and straight forward, considered the truth in golf a long time, they have finally started....

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player of year?
12 Feb 2009 at 16:46 | Posted in: General | Views: 1626 | Comments: 2
player of year?
or best achievement of the year?

Anders Olsson won the Swedish Championships by 6 strokes, "slowplaying" over the finish line. After 5 of 6 rounds on the felt course in Jonkoping I believe he was 15 and 16 shots better than Jonas and Carl-Johan, excellent felt-play in my opinion. He almost broke the magic 27-line on felt in average at the end.....

He was as always an important part of the Uppsala Team winning the Swedish Elitserie and the European Cup! I believe he was 3rd in the individual standings at the EC.

At the European Championships in Tampere he finished 5th before the match-play.

He was awarded a prestigious scholarship in Sweden last fall (received in January 2009).

Do I vote for Anders then? well, yes and no, I don't really care that much, I know who I think is the best player etc. but it is not up to me to decide, and that is not why we play minigolf anyway. I just thought I should throw in....

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What happens in Laughlin.....
30 Jan 2009 at 14:35 | Posted in: General | Views: 2108 | Comments: 8
What happens in Laughlin.....
...is very different from what we "professional" minigolfers are used to. About the picture, my mistake, it is from Laughlin in Nevada, not Sedona.

I have always wanted to play through a windmill, now I am only looking for the Clown's mought also. Could be that I am in the right place. Right now sitting in a hotel room in Orlando, USA. I have about 15 Adventure golf courses around the corner. For example the Hawaiian Rumble, Orlando edition, with a 40 feet high volcano that spews out steam over the course.

Back to Laughlin, which I will not be going soon, and their tournament. The casino sets up a minigolf course with 9 holes in and out of the casino twice a year. About 150 people show up to play, scorekeepers on every hole, no practice allowed (security checks that nobody plays) changed course (more difficult) for day 2. They play a total of 18 holes, 9 + 9 over two days, you get unlimited food and drinks. People are dead drunk during the tourney, as I....

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and now, for something completely different.....
24 Jan 2009 at 23:50 | Posted in: General | Views: 1898 | Comments: 6
and now, for something completely different.....
I am right now stuck in a hotel room in the small town of Vänersborg and can't help wondering how many cities I have played minigolf in over the years. Every place smaller odder, bigger, better than the other etc.

When meeting people at a party, at work or on other occasions and they say, I am from Hässleholm. By giving them a response where you seem to know all the restaurants, hotels and pubs in their home town is not always a good thing. Because then you will have to admit that you have the plague, i.e. you are playing minigolf....

But i must admit I like having been to many places, too bad all the time is spent at the course mostly. Imagine spending 10 weekends and 2-3 weeks on vacation every year at different (fun...) places instead. No wonder people quit playing our game and try to start living a normal life instead.

I am not really going anywhere with this, maybe open up a subject where you are welcome to add comments about your own....

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Is minigolf really dead?
20 Jan 2009 at 11:31 | Posted in: General | Views: 1672 | Comments: 2
Is minigolf really dead?
Certainly not, but for the sport some of us are doing a good job of burying it! When reading many of the blogs and comments here you could easily get a picture that something is wrong with international minigolf.

is it then?
Yes and no. We love the game, and I think we "love" each other, but are not so good at showing it sometimes. Besides from a few outbursts sprung by a Swedish friend of mine, (no names...) I have never seen any major controversies at the banquets after the championships. More or less the opposite really.

So I guess all this unsportsmanlike behavior everybody seems to talk about is just fantasies? unfortunately not, I have seen too many things over the years. We all have different mindsets and ethical standards when it comes to this, it is like:
"Part of the game",
"not caught, not guilty",
"Everybody else does it"

I think we have and have had a major problem here many years, but....

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Minigolf is dead, long live minigolf....
16 Jan 2009 at 09:35 | Posted in: General | Views: 3302 | Comments: 19
Minigolf is dead, long live minigolf....
OK, my turn, I guess Carl-Johan didn't really do us other bloggers a favor when he fired away his first post.

I think it was briljant and set the standard awfully high for preceding posts. If I were to comment on the main issue he discussed I would probably fill this page several times and bore you out totally. At this point, my only remark will be that we see things very differently in the world of Minigolf. Quite obvious of course, and no reason for problems, if it wasn't for the situations and discussions that arise around rules and sportsmanship almost every single year. I have played internationally since 1990, with many years of absence now and then though, main reason is sadly just the topics discussed. There are many feelings and thoughts hidden beneath the surface here, some of them must be let out in the open for the good sake of minigolf.

Enough with that crap, let's talk minigolf instead!

We are all in this for the love of the....

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Miniest Open

 17 Sep 2022

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 17 Sep 2022

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Sweden 29 Mar 2024 at 11:49 | 
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