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Argentina  INESfun

22 Feb 2020 at 13:37

There are about 300 recesses on one golf ball, and thanks to them, the ball flies three times farther than a smooth one. ... Balls of the same size...

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United States of America  Smitty

07 Jun 2023 at 04:45

Jason and team make this place beautiful and the tournament is fun and well run.

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Hungary  Magician | 17168 views | 0 comments

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France Philippe Lheritier's blog« See all phil's blogs

Surroundings during the international championships
17 Jan 2009 at 18:45 | Posted in: Life | Views: 1518 | Comments: 5
Dears minigolf friends

Today, it's my first blog on this new wonderful website. I decided to speak about the surroundings during the international tournaments. Please, be indulgent with me because I'm not fluent in english, so I will try to do my best.

For me, minigolf is a real sport but unfortunatly, in my country (France), minigolf is not recognized as a sport by the public but also by the government. So, we never obtain financial help to go in the international tournaments. But for me, it's really a chance to go to these championships and to meet the best minigolf players of the world.

Even if I try to play my best minigolf during these championships, I will never obtain wonderful results because the germans, austrians, swedish, swiss players are better than me and the trainin structure is really better with very good coaches. So, I try to obtain a plce in the Top32 but it's not easy for me.

During the championships, I hope also to meet and discuss with the others players but I don't know why, I found the surroudings is not very good during the training and the tournaments. Of course, it's really serious and the top players need to be calm but I think it's alway possible to discuss 5 minutes without disturbing the training.

Of course, the french players dont speak german and they speak a bad english but I think it's possible to discuss with this bad english. In fact, the top players speak together probably because they meet themself very often (international meeting, europa cup, nations cup, ...) and they dont try to speak with the players of the small minigolf country.

For exemple, I meet an international player each year during the winter in Italy and we spoke together and when I met him in Tampere last year, he dont speak with me during 15 days because he was coach of the swedish team and it was only the monday after the competition, when I was wanting my plane to return in France that he spoke with me because he wasn't in the swedish team, he was also waiting his plane. I cant understand this attitude. I think a great minigolf player will be a player able to obtain good result but also a player open to discuss with the other player.

I hope to discuss with you in Danmark if I can play the world championship.


Comments (5)

Netherlands Tiek (Erik Tiekstra) | Delete

19 Jan 2009 at 12:23
Well... to give my opinion...
I think I am a quite open person during the international tournaments, I am always open for new/old contacts during practice. I am probably not the person to take the initiative during those days, but when people ask something or say something I always try to answer. Of course I know people who are more closed, but I am sure that they don't do that on purpose to be rude against smaller countries.

United States of America Blondie (Astra Miglane Stanwyck) | Delete

19 Jan 2009 at 03:47
Hey Philippe, it is always great to talk to you!

Finland JJM (John Mittler) | Delete

17 Jan 2009 at 20:50
Tu est un tres bon joueur, Philippe. J'ai vu les resultats au Vedano, etc.

United Kingdom AceMan (Tim Davies) | Delete

17 Jan 2009 at 20:42
Hi Philippe
Happy to have a chat. My French isn't great but since I'm coming to live in your wonderful country for a couple of years it should be better!

Sweden Hans (Hans Bergström) | Delete

17 Jan 2009 at 20:12
Look me up Phillipe in Denmark and I will chat to you even if my Frensch is even worse than my German.
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