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United States of America  PatPenguin  (Admin)

Name : Patrick Sheridan
Member since : 25 Jan 2009
Number of posts : 14
Status : Offline
Posted : 06 May 2016 at 02:18
In the past, this site has had the help of several individuals who have provided articles and results from their local countries. While the past few years have increased miniature golf's web presence it's still hard to find a lot of information, especially in English.

As we bring this site back running, I'm looking for some folks who can provide a few articles a year about local happenings and/or tournament results. If you are interested in helping out, please leave a message here or each out to me directly at pat@theputtingpenguin.com. I'll try not to as too much but I won't be able to do this on my own, so any help is appreciated.

Thanks and Happy Putting!

United Kingdom  Donkey_G  (User)

Name : Scott Lancley
Member since : 11 Jan 2009
Number of posts : 6
Status : Offline
Posted : 26 May 2016 at 00:49
Happy to give you a report of the BMGA season once this year's tour is completed.

United States of America  PatPenguin  (Admin)

Name : Patrick Sheridan
Member since : 25 Jan 2009
Number of posts : 14
Status : Offline
Posted : 27 May 2016 at 02:10
That would be excellent. I've been leveraging the BMGA site for information about individual tournament but would love a season long wrap-up!

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