Thrilling endings in Austrian Bundesliga Day 2
22 Nov 2011 at 12:10 | Published by: Hans | Views: 11882 | News search
Best players of the weekend Bianca Utzig and Herbert Ziegler (Photo by Gaenserdorf 2011)
Reported by Thomas Pirgmayer
The nineteen year old indoor miniature course in Wieselburg hosted the austrian Bundesliga for the first time last sunday.
As the well known wooden lanes let us expect very low scores for this tournament the only question was: 'Which team manage constantly deep scoring at the best?'
After the first competition in Steyr last september the defendig champions from Union Rot Gold and WAT21 startet as prey for all the hunters behind. But let's talk about the present and start with the ladies competition.
After a reasonable good start Gaenserndorf held the lead for the first rounds but Rot Gold was closing in with a 64 in round three.
Starting the final session 4 strokes ahead Bianca Utzig (GAENS) played a solid 20 gaining another 3 points. All seemed to be done but then Sandra Schwarz and Elisabeth Gruber only scored 30 and 27 while the Heschl Sisters scored 20 and 24. Suddenly the comfortable 7 point lead turned into a second place, 6 strokes behind Rot Gold.
Here are the results:
1. Union Rot-Gold - 275
2. Gaenserndorf - 281
3. 3D MSC Linz-Lissfeld - 302
4. Igls - 321
Top females this day:
1. Utzig Bianca (GAENS) - 87
2. Heschl Birgit (URG) - 88
3. Heschl Karin (URG) - 89
There is nearly the same picture to draw at the male competition. But we need a much more fine pen. After the first round Gaenserndorf and WAT21 tied up the lead with 130 strokes. But the last ranked teams were only seven strokes behind. BGC Wien scored a 125 in the second round and took the lead together with WAT21 (258). Four strokes ahead of MSC Steyr (262) and another six to Gaenserndorf and Bischofshofen (268).
So we had five teams within ten strokes and still two rounds to play. Nearly all seemed to be possible while Gaenserndorf started a nice comeback and scored a phenomenal round auf 120 (18, 20, 19, 22, 22, 19). WAT and Steyr played solid 129 and so there were four strokes between the leading WAT (387), Gaenserndorf (388) and Steyr (391).
We got a nice and thrilling situation for the final round. A plot was opening up which even Alfred Hitchcock couldn´t write better. I have to report this in a little more detailed way (sorry folks). Gaenserndorf startet really well with 20/20 and still tied up the lead with WAT (19/22) while Steyr only scored 23/23 and was nine strokes behind now. Awaiting a thrilling duell Halda (WAT) and Gnadenberger (GAENS) matched themself down to 26 both while Florian Brauner scored his second 19 in a row and Steyr was only two strokes behind the leading duo. Same situation at Player 4. Jagschitz (WAT) and Nakowitsch (GAENS) played 24 and Zojer turned Steyr´s loss into a lead with a round of 20.
After 4 out of 6 players we had the following ranking.
WAT21 478
Emich of Steyr finished his round first and scored a solid 21 gaining another 2 strokes against Stingl (GAENS). But then WAT21 striked back! Norbert Wagenhofer played in an astonishing manner and scored a perfect round of 18 taking over the lead again one stroke ahead of Steyr and five of Gaenserndorf.
The next one to reach the greenhouse was Steyr´s last player on the course, Philipp Albrechtsberger, and (how else!?) he also managed to play a „blue“ round with 19. While Philipp Riegler played a final round of 23 and secured the third place for Gaenserndorf all were waiting for Heinz Weber’s score.
It was clear that he has to play a blue round to save the victory for WAT21 and you could have heard a needle falling down while the crowd watched his last lanes, knowing that he made only once a 2 (lane 13, double waves). And in his well known cool manner he did what he had to do. He finished his round without any further miss and so the reigning champion WAT21 won also the second day in this Bundesliga season - only one stroke in advance of the young and hungry Steyr team!
The final results:
WAT 21 – 515
MSC Steyr – 516
Gaenserndorf – 524
BGC Wien – 527
MGC Bischofshofen – 540
Knittelfeld – 557
Top male team this day:
1. Ziegler Herbert (GAENS) - 77
2. Weber Heinz (WAT21) - 79
3. Fazekas Adam (WAT21) - 80
4. Wagenhofer Norbert (WAT21) - 80
5. Brauner Florian (STEYR) - 81
6. Lindmayr Manfred (WIEN) - 81
Generally it was a weekend made for WAT. After a disappointing 5th place of last years biggest concurrent Bischofshofen the margin in overall after two competitions is quite comfortable.
Overall standings after day 2:
Female teams:
1. Rot Gold – 12 points – 533 strokes
2. Gaenserndorf – 8 – 544
3. Linz Lissfeld – 4 – 574
4. Igls – 0 – 612
Male teams:
1. WAT 21 – 20 points – 1009 strokes
2. Gaenserndorf – 12 – 1036
3. Steyr – 10 – 1042
4. Bischofshofen – 10 – 1044
5. Wien – 8 – 1047
6. Knittelfeld – 0 – 1088
» Results