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Argentina  INESfun

22 Feb 2020 at 13:37

There are about 300 recesses on one golf ball, and thanks to them, the ball flies three times farther than a smooth one. ... Balls of the same size...

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United States of America  Smitty

07 Jun 2023 at 04:45

Jason and team make this place beautiful and the tournament is fun and well run.

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Germany nominates Günter Schwarz as EMF Sport Director

Germany 06 Aug 2010 at 12:00 | Published by: Hans | Views: 10706 | News search

Germany nominates Günter Schwarz as EMF Sport Director I a letter to all WMF and EMF member nations Germany today announced that they officially nominates Günter Schwarz as the candidate for the EMF Sport Director position.

In earlier news item from the 27th of July Minigolfnews could tell that the current EMF Sport Director Reinhard Nietzke, also from Germany, was resigning from his position. Now the explanation for that comes officially. Reinhard is not nominated by his country and instead Germany has nominated Günter Schwarz.

Günter Schwarz is born in 1963 and is the current Chairman for the German Minigolf Sport Committee as well as responsible for the German minigolf leagues and Championships. He is also the rules supervisor in German Minigolf and is also an experienced referee on international level. He is also an active player in German Seniors national Squad.

Germany also re-nominate Michael Seiz as the chairman of legal committee in EMF.



Comments (9)

Portugal AS (André Silva)

10 Aug 2010 at 12:24
Here's the way I see it. Ok maybe a little naif. Anyone willing to give some of his/her time for the good of the sport is someone deserving my sympathy. If anyone can propose himself to a place in the board how is this so bad? Is it true that any of us adding these comments can be candidates? If this is true I think that's great! What should a board be? A group of delegates nominated by each country, with the objective of keeping an eye on the others? If there's a group of people with ideas and willing to work let's give them some credit and let them show what they have for us. If they don't succeed, in two years time we can replace them. Not me for sure, I don't have the time.

Germany Berliner (Günter Schwarz)

10 Aug 2010 at 10:02
I agree with you that the way of nomination should be transparent.
It is my own opinion that as many nations as possible should be represented in an overhead board or committee like EMF or WMF, because of diversity in any way.
But I hope that everyone will be elected because of his personel qualification an not only of his nation.

Sweden Hans (Hans Bergström)

10 Aug 2010 at 09:47
Actually John in WMF the Eligibility for the position as member of the Executive Committee is stated in the statutes as:

* Either the current elected board members
* Individuals nominated by the nations the latest 45 days before the conference.

That I think is a good procedure and I cannot see why it should be like that in EMF. In the EMF statutes this demand is not stated.

Sweden Hans (Hans Bergström)

10 Aug 2010 at 09:35

First of all I wish you congratulations to your nomination and God Luck in the elections. Second. My statement below is not intended to discredit Reinhard N in any way. I am just using him as an example of a nomination method that I disagree on.

The main reason I disagree on that any person can nominate themselves to a board position is that EMF is a federation for its members. The members here are the nations, not individual persons. The nations have an obligation to secure a competent and well functioning board. That's why they shall nominate the board members and it shall not be allowed to take any shortcuts on that. They shall act as quality assurance of the candidate names. And I think the German official nomination as described above is exatcly how I would like it to work.

Then once a board member or committee member is elected he will of course act by his own judgement and opinion and there I agree with you Gunther.

I have as many of you know personal experience of the negative side of last minute hidden nomination discussions where a small number of people "decide" the new board and most delegates entering the conference actually don't know who will be nominated. So the step by EMF to publish the suggested board in forehand is one good step on the way, but there is still work to be done on the formal nominations procedures I think.

Finland JJM (John Mittler)

10 Aug 2010 at 09:22
At least in WMF the candidates are nominated during the Delegates Conference by:
- board members
- member countries

A person can publicly announce that he is available for a position, but he is not officially a candidate for the position unless some country (no matter which country) or a board member nominates him during the Delegates Conference.

Netherlands Tiek (Erik Tiekstra)

10 Aug 2010 at 07:34
I agree with Günter regarding that an individual can nominate himself. The only thing I am affraid of and what I can see that is happening is that there is a lot of 'secret' stuff going on in the EMF. Like Hans said there is no transparacy. I think that should change. A little example I read about the elections in the last news item of this site. You have to be able to know what the candidates are planning to do in the future and what way they want to go. If they then decline to do an interview... Sorry, but that is just strange. Or am I wrong here?

By the way, this is my own opinion and not the one of Minigolfnews.

Germany Berliner (Günter Schwarz)

10 Aug 2010 at 07:07
In one point I cannot agree with Hans. I think everybody in a committee is representing himself first. And it is very important that a board member has a view on every member nation and not only on his own. But you are right that different backgrounds will bring more diversity to every discussion and decision.

Sweden Hans (Hans Bergström)

09 Aug 2010 at 20:36
This highlights the really absurd system on Board nomination that exists in EMF and also in WMF. If a private person can nominate himself, without being nominated by his country, as Reinhard actually are doing for the Media Manager, who is that person then representing in the board? For sure not his Member Country, himself?

But Reinhard is not doing anything wrong here. The statues of EMF allow him to candidate as long as he is a member of a country that is an active member of EMF.

A proposal would be that only persons nominated by their country shall be allowed to be elected to the board. Even better is an active nomination committee seeing that many voices will be heard in the board. Both different nations and different backgrounds. Men and women’s, etc. This creates a transparence that is always a good thing in most organizations.

Several countries have processes like this in place already and most big companies do also for their boards.

Germany reini (Reinhard Neitzke)

09 Aug 2010 at 15:10
Hans I must correct your comment on my resigning. National federations don't have to nominate candidates for a position inside EMF board or committees. The nomination of Günter was just another candidate alternatively to me. But I don't wanted to fight against Günter for this job. I did it over 6 years and it was enough for me. He is a very good candidate. I worked together with him in German board. Other reasons to resign have been on one hand private ones and on the other hand it is very attractive to fulfil and bring the media inside EMF to a new life. Hopefully I will be elected and work together with you guys!

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Nick Sandqvist wins London Open on Felt

United Kingdom 04 Aug 2010 at 11:18 | views: 11497 | Comments: 5

BMGA News Release Source: Richard Gottfried Nick Sandqvist of the Green Mini Golf Club won the 2010 London Open Minigolf Tournament at his home course at The Green Indoor Mini Golf, Hither Green on Sunday 1st August. The competition was the first full British ...
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Nick Sandqvist wins London Open on Felt

Philippe Lheritier rules again...in Mezilles.

Philippe Lheritier rules again...in Mezilles.

France 03 Aug 2010 at 10:39 | views: 8414 | Comments: 0

This weekend, on the Mezilles' eternite course, Philippe Lheritier (Lugdu MGC) won again. After a very good first round (19), he takes logically the first place at the beginning and he played a regular game all the time to finish five points ahead Gregoire ...
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France 02 Aug 2010 at 23:03 | views: 9273 | Comments: 0

The last weekend (24-25 july), the 11th Commelle-Vernay's Masters were performed on the MGCR ( Minigolf Club Rhodanien) eternite course near Roanne. It's a particular competition in France. On the saturday afternoon, the players take place in two groups ...
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Commelle Vernay

Oskari wins Finnish Felt Championships, again

Oskari wins Finnish Felt Championships, again

Finland 01 Aug 2010 at 22:44 | views: 10078 | Comments: 2

Junior player Oskari Vihervaara took the best player’s trophy at Finnish Felt Championships 2010 in Tampere. This was the second year in a row for Oskari to win the best player’s trophy (regardless of age category) at Finnish felt ...
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Germany 06 Aug 2010 at 12:00 | Hans
Germany nominates Günter Schwarz as EMF Sport Director

United Kingdom 04 Aug 2010 at 11:18 | Hans
Nick Sandqvist wins London Open on Felt

France 03 Aug 2010 at 10:39 | gregisback
Philippe Lheritier rules again...in Mezilles.

France 02 Aug 2010 at 23:03 | gregisback
Commelle Vernay

Finland 01 Aug 2010 at 22:44 | JJM
Oskari wins Finnish Felt Championships, again

Netherlands 27 Jul 2010 at 21:12 | Tiek
Dutch teams to Predazzo 2010

Europe 27 Jul 2010 at 21:01 | Hans
Reinhard Neitzke resigns as EMF Sport Director

Switzerland 27 Jul 2010 at 16:07 | omaggi
Swiss Teams for Predazzo

Switzerland 26 Jul 2010 at 19:48 | omaggi
Hofer and Wicki are the new Swiss Champions

Sweden 25 Jul 2010 at 19:12 | Hans
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United States of America 25 Jul 2010 at 11:27 | Blondie
Tim Tally wins Prairieville Park Open.