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Argentina  INESfun

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Off to Odense 2: Anders Olsson

Sweden 10 Aug 2009 at 12:58 | Published by: Hans | Views: 13120 | News search

Off to Odense 2: Anders Olsson
Anders Olsson after a lucky ace in Tampere, EC 2008  (Photo by Arto Borg 2008)

Interview with Anders Olsson, Sweden, currently WMF world ranked no 1

HB: First of all thank you for letting Minigolfnews interview you.

HB: Can you tell us a little bit about yourself to those who don’t know you. Who is Anders Olsson?


Short trivia: Is interested in traveling in the world, play billiards, alpine skiing and drive BMW cars.

Profession: Driving license teacher

Year of birth: 1979

Start of Minigolf career: Started 1990 in Ersta MGK, then in Tantogården BGK and now in Uppsala BGK from 2002.

Make of club: Nifo Ryner

Favourite ball: D 085 and Uppsala 2003

Favourite surface: Felt

Technical tip: Study when good players are playing and try to learn something. If you are not already playing back-hand start do it now.

HB: You have had a great 2009 season with many tournament victories and were selected as MVP (most valuable player) in Elitserien 2009 by Minigolfnews but the Swedish Championships didn’t go as you planned. Do you have any thoughts on why?

AO: One part of my mental training is to focus on the competitions that went well and remember what I did that was good. The competitions that didn’t go that well like SM I try to forget without any deeper analysis.

HB: You are currently ranked as number one in the world by WMF. Are you the world’s best player?

AO: Sometimes I am and sometimes not… I am number one on the ranking mainly since I have played many international Championships the last years with a consistent high level, and even when I don't play that good the results are pretty OK anyway.

I think that the world ranking should really be based on the players with the best average compared to the course PAR in the major competitions. Then it would be possible to skip some competitions without dropping on the ranking. Carl-Johan Ryner is world's number 54 and I think that says it all about today's way of calculating the rankings.

HB: On the ranking before also your girlfriend Karin Wiklund where ranked number one by WMF. It is maybe not so usual that a romantic couple is both the world number one in their sport. Was this noted by any media in Sweden?

AO: It has been noticed by several media in Sweden. The local paper in Uppsala has written about me and Karin and just a few days ago it was noticed in a Swedish Television report about how we are preparing for the Odense journey.

HB: You have also won some cup tournaments in Sweden this year. Are you becoming more comfortable with the cup modus now than before?

AO: I have always liked playing cups. I have won many cup competitions in the past and I don’t think I am become any better or worse right now.

HB: You are soon to leave for Odense. What are your expectations of your and Sweden’s performance in Odense?

AO: I am counting on doing a good performance that contributes to Swedish Team gold and I also think the Swedish ladies Team will win.

HB: Many are stating that since its felt the gold will be safe with Sweden. Is Swedish players really so much better on felt than the rest of the world’s top players?

AO: Yes they are.

HB: Who will be your toughest competitors for the gold on the men’s team?

AO: Germany. They are always very good at all different surfaces.

HB: What are your favourites for medals in the Team Competition on the ladies side?

AO: Sweden wins and Germany will be second.

HB: When going into a Championship like this, what do you personally think is most important doing well in the Team or individually?

AO: This is a difficult question. I personally thinks that the Team competitions is more fun to play, but I would also very much like to win individually.

HB: Are there any nations or players that you think will have a breakthrough this year?

AO: I think Canada will do a good Championship and also some from Denmark will be in the top of the result list.

HB: Can you mention any favorites as you see it for the individual medals in Odense?

AO: Carl-Johan Ryner and Harald Erlbruch is world class players on all surfaces. I rather meet someone else in the early stages of the cup. Sandra Weaver I know is in the great form and will become dangerous.

HB: There has been much discussion on the Internet about the new KO modus played in the individual finals at international championships. What is your opinion about the KO-modus?

AO: It's a fun to play modus but it's a catastrophe to decide the European Champions or World Champions in this way. It is an insult to the players who put so much time and energy on Minigolf.

HB: What is your opinion on the limited training time allowed in Odense?

AO: I think that an equal amount of time and relatively short amount will make it more interesting for more players to participate. Everyone has the same circumstances to prepare.

HB: What is your opinion about the concept of playing championships indoors?

AO: I see this as a positive step to try and think it could be a way for the future. Instead of letting the public come to us we will come to them. Also there is no risk that the competition will rain away and it's easier to have fixed times for the audience to consider so they know when the action is going to take place.

HB: There is much focus in some countries on MOS-courses and especially artificial grass courses. The first competitions have been played with various impressions amongst competition players. What is your opinion about artificial grass as a competition arena?

AO: This is a large question. To summarize I can say after having played some competitions on artificial grass that the course design are crucial to make the game skill based and not based on luck. The surface as such I like but the quality of the course is the key factor if it’s a good competition area. Also the fact that competitions on these courses are only played with one ball is positive and a way to attract new players to the game.

HB: The youth world championships 2010 will be played at a MOS beton course in Socci, Russia after evaluation from you. What do you think of this development with MOS courses entering the Championships?

AO: It's good. As said earlier is the quality of the course and the possibility of deciding the games by skill that is essential. I think that the best players can play well on all surfaces.

HB: It has been some debate in recent years on the Internet about the referees in international competitions, and especially the timekeeping of players. Do you have any comments about the referees or the time rules at championships?

AO: Once again a big question. My experience is that many referees don't have the courage to make calls against certain star players. Sometimes it also seems that they are hunting a certain country with their clocks. At an international tournament recently it was allowed for one team to have more coaches on the course than it was for another team. This was actually on the same lap and lane. Some of the referees are quite good but most are quite poor. The most important for a referee is to be consistent in your calls so everyone is treated the same.

This time we are playing indoors and there is no weather to take into consideration. Therefore I would like to se some new thinking in the time keeping. On each lane you can put a clock that starts whenever the player before pick ups the ball from the hole. Each player has 45 seconds to play and if they haven’t played the first shot in time a shot is automatically counted and another 45 seconds starts. This way there will be speed in the play and not much to discuss in timekeeping.

HB: Again thanks for participating a good luck in Odense.

AO: Thanks for letting me participate.



Comments (9)

Finland JJM (John Mittler)

11 Aug 2009 at 15:09
Believe this or not, but I didn't intentionally mis-interpret the meaning of the phrase in WMF document. It seems to say in plain English that you considered, is the time rule necessary or not.

Good to get an explanation about the true meaning of the text. The text could have been written with more clear word choices.

Sweden Jolle (Joel Andersson)

11 Aug 2009 at 14:56
Maybe loudness would be a better penalty for Mr. Rainer Anhammer insted of time ;D haha

Finland HansIII (Pasi Aho)

11 Aug 2009 at 14:27
Here we go again...I keep on repeating myself, but since reporter JJM does it too in his hunt against WMF, I'll do it.

Dear readers, those of you who have read the report on time-testing at YNC. How many of you got the picture that the goal and conclusion of the report was to remove the 70/60 rule?

Apart from that one single wording which suits so well for JJM's purposes, if - and only if - one reads it like he does, the whole report doesn't mention cancelling the complete time rule one single time. Moreover I believe the conclusion was that referees and teams should pay more attention to the time rule and its obeying.

Another reader might interpret the word "necessity" to the other direction, but it is up to the reader. I can promise you, that there was no intention to remove the time rule completely. Those of you dear readers who were last week in Waldshut (that is following or playing a minigolf competition live, which reporter JJM has done once since August 2008 I believe) experienced the fastest game flow at youth championships in the last few years. If this had anything to do with the time-tests at YNC or not is not really relevant.

But I think that a few of the slower players may have thought a bit about their game after YNC. It is maybe not fair to mention any names, but for example Rainer Anhammer of Austria (Rainer, you'll forgive me this when holding a well deserved bronze medal in your hands, OK!!!), who has been penalized for time on almost every single championship he has palyed until now, didn't even give the referees a chance to act in any way. Some others did the same, few were still slow. But nobody asked if the time rule will be cancelled as the report "suggests".

We'll keep on enjoying the selective comments of JJM and even more so we'll keep on enjoying playing minigolf!

Finland JJM (John Mittler)

11 Aug 2009 at 13:26
I think 60 seconds is way too slow game for television or any live audience to watch.

But I didn't bother to include this topic in my numerous motion proposals, because the public opinion doesn't support faster game, and WMF politicians actually support slower game, not faster.

The WMF document about YNC 2009 begins with these words:

"On 30 May 2009 during the Youth Nations Cup all participants have been time-tested to get insight about the necessity of the 70/60 seconds rule"

If I understand any English language, this phrase "about the necessity of the 70/60 seconds rule" seems to mean that they were examining, is this time limit necessary AT ALL. In other words, they were examining the possibility of removing the time limit completely from WMF rules.

Prove me wrong, explain what I have misunderstood in this English phrase, but this is what I read in the text. The referee action at major tournaments often looks like they have already decided behind the curtains that time limits should not be enforced, and the game can flow as slow as it ever wants.

Sweden Haazeman (Hans  Olofsson)

11 Aug 2009 at 11:34
Tennis has second serves, we don't.....

I believe golf has 40 seconds, that is if they are on the clock, which is rare. As long s they keep up with the group ahead and don't cause delays, nobody gets timed from what I understand.

Indoors and 45 seconds should be fine, perhaps 60 for the first player to give time to arrive at the lane etc.

we are not a big TV-sport, maybe because when TV comes, they only see concentration and waiting, no real action.... Otherwise we have good possibilities since you can cover whole place with 1 camera etc. each shot counts and gives direct result (in K.O.)

Sweden C-J (Carl-Johan Ryner)

11 Aug 2009 at 09:01
If we play indoors and have groups of 3 players then 45 secs should be enough.

Austria bub74 (Markus Berger)

10 Aug 2009 at 16:56
I think 45 secs is far enough - if we have someone who takes care that the lane is clean ...

Finland JJM (John Mittler)

10 Aug 2009 at 15:57
Where did he get the 45 seconds? I have heard from official sources that anything under 70 seconds is impossible, and cannot possibly function in real life. (Tennis has 20 seconds time limit, but that is a TV game and our game is not.)

Sweden C-J (Carl-Johan Ryner)

10 Aug 2009 at 15:41
I like the time keeping idea :D I would like to have a beep-count down in the final 5 seconds. It would be a lot of beeping, though.

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Thomsen at the top in Aalborg

Denmark 09 Aug 2009 at 21:42 | views: 12970 | Comments: 2

Kåre Thomsen of Aalborg Minigolf Klub won the tournament at his home course in Aalborg. He won both the preliminary rounds and the Super Cup. In the prelminiaries he scored 133 strokes, average 22,17. Second was Vincent Huus of Putter Team Odense 2 points ...
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Thomsen at the top in Aalborg

Csaba wins Hungarian Championships by 34 points

Csaba wins Hungarian Championships by 34 points

Hungary 09 Aug 2009 at 20:02 | views: 10839 | Comments: 1

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Building of the Odense courses has started

Denmark 09 Aug 2009 at 17:30 | views: 10731 | Comments: 2

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Building of the Odense courses has started

Off to Odense 1: Lisa Gruber

Off to Odense 1: Lisa Gruber

Austria 09 Aug 2009 at 11:35 | views: 13423 | Comments: 0

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Sweden 10 Aug 2009 at 12:58 | Hans
Off to Odense 2: Anders Olsson

Denmark 09 Aug 2009 at 21:42 | Ole
Thomsen at the top in Aalborg

Hungary 09 Aug 2009 at 20:02 | JJM
Csaba wins Hungarian Championships by 34 points

Denmark 09 Aug 2009 at 17:30 | Hans
Building of the Odense courses has started

Austria 09 Aug 2009 at 11:35 | Hans
Off to Odense 1: Lisa Gruber

Portugal 08 Aug 2009 at 18:20 | Hans
Rahmlow and Zengaffinen new champions in Lamego

Germany 08 Aug 2009 at 16:08 | Hans
Rain disrupted the finals in Waldshut

Portugal 07 Aug 2009 at 19:12 | JJM
Tommy Blixt breaks world record of 4 rounds beton

Germany 07 Aug 2009 at 15:22 | JJM
Germany wins both team gold medals in Waldshut

Russian Federation 07 Aug 2009 at 09:40 | JJM
Part 3 of Russian Cup season in Ufa

Portugal 06 Aug 2009 at 17:43 | JJM
More world records still possible in Lamego