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WMF wishes that Brits rename World Crazy Golf Championships

United Kingdom 07 Feb 2009 at 20:24 | Published by: JJM | Views: 11136 | News search

WMF wishes that Brits rename World Crazy Golf Championships WMF board has offered a grant of 2,000 euros to British Minigolf Federation, for the purpose of arranging a training camp in Austria during this winter, and a training visit of Austrian coaches to Great Britain. The purpose of this grant is to help British minigolfers to learn also other playing systems than MOS, which is the only playing system in British competition calendar.

However, it seems likely that British Minigolf Federation will refuse this offer, if WMF board will require all the conditions that it set for this grant:

  • Removing the word “world” from the name of World Crazy Golf Championships, which is played annually in Hastings, Great Britain.
  • WMF approval of minigolf courses used in official competitions.
  • Full WADA compliance.
  • At least 8 British players must participate in WMF World Championships 2009.

Most notably the renaming of World Crazy Golf Championships is a sensitive issue to many British minigolfers. The rulebook of WMF states that arranging competitions with a “world champion” status is allowed only with the permission of WMF.

In the earlier years WMF has overlooked this British tournament, because the competition has quite unusual rules, and it could theoretically be regarded as a different game than standard minigolf, which could have its own championships. But now the WMF board has decided to open discussions with BMGA about the naming of this annual competition.

Great Britain has been a member of WMF since 1999, and competition activities are thriving in the country. But BMGA plays all national competitions on MOS minigolf courses, which WMF never uses in international major tournaments. This situation is evidently the prime motivating factor for WMF board to offer a special grant for training British minigolfers to play also other playing systems than MOS.

World Crazy Golf Championships is an annual British competition with sizeable money prizes, tongue-in-cheek carnival atmosphere, and special rules in the last round of the tournament: all players of the playing group hit their ball once, and leave the ball where it stops on the lane, before anyone plays his second shot on the lane.

» memorandum of WMF board meeting 29-30 Nov 2008
» News article of World Crazy Golf Championships 2008



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Comments (14)

Finland JJM (John Mittler)

10 Feb 2009 at 14:32
BMGA was not contacted directly. The basic problem is that minigolf politicians, unlike normal state politicians, act in complete secrecy most of the time. Decisions of a meeting are not published on the front page of next morning newspapers, they are published 2 months after the meeting. Now that we have a public independent minigolf media asking questions about minigolf policies, this is a new situation for many minigolf leaders (not only for WMF board, but also for the boards of national federations, including BMGA). It takes some time before all parties adjust to the situation, including us news editors.

United Kingdom doctork (Keith Kellard)

10 Feb 2009 at 13:18
Did anyone from minigolfnews ask GB for their views before posting the news story? I don't know the answer to that - as far as I know, it's a NO. But I could be wrong.

But Hans is right to say that this should have been published. After all, it's making us talk minigolf/MOS and that can only be a good thing in the minigolfsport world, for all parties concerned!

Sweden Hans (Hans Bergström)

10 Feb 2009 at 11:57
Belive me, that we would always only have facts in the news. Opinions can be done in blogs, forum or comments. Some of the stories here had been question of long internal debate before publishing and also after publishing. With some issues it’s hard to dig into what is fact and what is opinions since our reporters are not involved in meetings, protocols is published several months after (often with new meeting being held in between). Protocols are quite minimalistic in their style often only telling about decisions and not discussions behind it. So should we not report about those issues since we don’t have all facts? In my eyes it’s just creating a more unopened atmosphere, if we don’t no one else will either, or?

Portugal AS (André Silva)

09 Feb 2009 at 23:00
This site is yet too young, and like a child sometimes falls when learning to walk, there will be times that some of the posts won't be so well managed. The categorical denial of an information posted by one of the interested parties, is not the best credit. I think the news posted should have less personal beliefs and stick more to facts. In every negotiation there are different proposals from the parties involved and usually at the end everyone has to drop some of theirs, to see other approved.

Sweden Viking (Pierre Geerhold)

09 Feb 2009 at 14:04
John maybe you should have written down what date they said this at WMF in your post.

United Kingdom doctork (Keith Kellard)

09 Feb 2009 at 12:20
Your latest information is correct. But the World "issue" was never an issue with this project!

Finland JJM (John Mittler)

09 Feb 2009 at 12:14
Connection between the two stories is in this direct quote from WMF board meeting memo 29-30 Nov 2008:

"7.7.1. Project BMGA 2009 (...) Conditions are: solving of open issues between BMGA and WMF (course approvals, naming of tournaments, WADA compliance, etc.)"

But our latest information is that WMF has softened its stance, and some of these conditions will not be required for Project BMGA 2009 to come true.

United Kingdom doctork (Keith Kellard)

09 Feb 2009 at 11:44
You have missed the point, as usual!
What is incorrect is that there are at least two unrelated stories here - 2000 euro fund, and what the WMF may or may not require us to do. And they have been combined to make people believe that one is dependent upon the other.

The fact that GB wish to better ourselves in minigolf, outside of MOS, with the aid of Austria - and a big thank you to the Austrian federation for taking time to assist smaller nations such as ours - has been recognised by WMF, and they have acted accordingly.

There are separate issues the BMGA have/had, and that was to do with the current MOS regulations and the UK's stance on minigolf, that was outside the control of BMGA, which we, along with WMF, are well on our way to resolving.

The issue of World is something altogether different, but not related to anything else.

For "Viking" to claim this is blackmail, again goes to show how people can mis-understand/mis-interpret poorly reported stories.

Finland JJM (John Mittler)

09 Feb 2009 at 09:37
The information that you refer to as "incorrect" must be this phrase: "It seems likely that British Minigolf Federation will refuse this offer, if WMF board will require all the conditions that it set for this grant."

Our latest information is that WMF board will not require all the conditions that it decided in its meeting on 29-30 November 2008. Such changes in decisions do not mean that older news about older decisions are "incorrect". Yesterday's news are always one day old information.

In this news article, the expression "seems likely ... if" emphasized the possibility of later changes in the attitudes and decisions of WMF and/or BMGA.

United Kingdom doctork (Keith Kellard)

09 Feb 2009 at 09:25
This story, as are a number of other stories on this website is incorrect. I suggest that the authors ensure that they have the full facts before making such posts in a public domain.

Yes, the WMF have offered us a grant for the training - after all, were are MOS only, so need experience of other systems to enable us to compete at a higher level.

But, there is no condition placed on this offer that the word World be dropped from the WCGC. If that appeared in the WMF minutes then so be it; it has been mentioned many times before.

However, as I doubt that the article's author was at the same meeting with the WMF as I was last weekend - and I can confirm he wasn't there - then I can only say that this story is fabricated to try to attract more readers to his site.

Yes, lets talk minigolf, and engage more people is discussion at a higher level than just playing; it's the only way to ensure the sport develops in the future. But let's not waste our time on nonsense like this!

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United Kingdom 07 Feb 2009 at 20:24 | JJM
WMF wishes that Brits rename World Crazy Golf Championships

Germany 06 Feb 2009 at 21:37 | Nimalu
180 players in Göttingen

World 03 Feb 2009 at 21:02 | JJM
Odense 2009 invitation delayed by budget issues

World 03 Feb 2009 at 16:37 | Hans
WMF is silent about KO-system in Odense

Switzerland 02 Feb 2009 at 11:22 | Hans
Spescha and Vuilliomenet win Teamgolf again

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